Page 244 - Provincial Treasury Estimates.pdf
P. 244
3. 3. Outlook for the coming financial year (2023/24)
x Gender Based Violence (shelters and psychosocial support services): Based on the mandate of providing
psychosocial support services to victims of crime and violence, the department makes contribution in all
the six pillars of the National Strategic Plan (NSP) on Gender Based Violence and Femicide (GBVF),
while also leading Pillar 4 of the which focuses on Response, Care, Support and Healing. A target of 360
victims of GBVF and crime will access sheltering services.
x Provision of care support and protection of older persons, will continue, 1 485 older persons will access
residential facilities. Community-Based Care and Support Services will also be funded, benefiting 15 264
older persons and Community-Based Rehabilitation programmes will benefit 21 984 people with
x For Psychosocial Support Services, the department is targeting 57 269 beneficiaries. For Social Relief
programmes, 4 462 people are targeted in all regions.
x Furthermore, the department will embark on capacity development of social service practitioners and
other stakeholders on psychosocial support to harmonise interventions for orphaned, vulnerable children
and youth and adults infected and affected by HIV and AIDS. The home community based care projects
will continue to be funded to improve access to services by the communities.
x To strengthen the family unit as a basic centre of service delivery implementation, the department will
continue to subsidise NGO’s, family resource centres and family preservation programmes. A total of 21
488 family members will participate in family preservation services and 54 406 children will be placed with
valid foster care orders. The department will ensure that at least 25 045 children benefit through
community based prevention and early intervention programmes. The department will continue to
implement integrated social crime prevention programme in hot spot areas targeting children and families
at risk. A total of 61 080 people will be reached through social crime prevention programmes, and 22 927
victims of crime and violence will access support services. In fighting the scourge of crime and violence,
which continues to pose a threat to the social stability of the province the department, will continue to
support and strengthen victim empowerment programme centres that aim to provide integrated services
and programmes to victims of crime and violence and their families. The department will strengthen
Substance Abuse Prevention programmes by supporting 105 558 people.
x Institutional capacity building and support is an empowerment programme aimed at capacitating and
providing support to community cased organisations, NPOs and Cooperatives towards improved
community services. A total 407 NPOs will be capacitated and 5 979 people will access food through DSD
Community Nutrition and Development programmes.
x Youth development programmes will focus on supporting youth development structures and
entrepreneurship development initiatives through skills development programmes. The department will
implement skills development by providing a foundation for youth to enter a range of qualification based
training on community development methodologies and technical scarce skills as a response to youth
unemployment through theory and practice, where 1 916 young people will participate in skills
development programmes.
x The department will conduct its annual household profiling and a target of 27 865 households will be
reached. With regards to women empowerment, the department has planned 9 400 women to benefit.
4. 4. Reprioritisation
The department has made provision for budget increase for operations of all institutions managed by the
department. The department has reprioritised its budget to core items to improve service delivery. It has
made provision for budget increase for operations of all institutions managed by the department. The
department has ensured that funds are reprioritized to Gender Based Violence, Substance Abuse, Sanitary
Dignity Project, Social Behavioral Change and family programmes to mention few. The department has