Page 187 - Provincial Treasury Estimates.pdf
P. 187
Estimates of the Provincial Revenue and Expenditure (EPRE) – 2023/24 Financial Year
Tables 13 and 14 above shows the summary of payments and estimates from 2019/20 to 2022/23 and
over the 2023 MTEF period per sub-programme and economic classification. The programme’s total
expenditure increased from R589.052 million in 2019/20 to a revised estimate of R722.089 million in
2022/23. In 2023/24, the budget increases by 10.6 per cent from R722.089 million to R798.917 million
when compared to the 2022/23 revised estimate due to additional funding for is this true – in terms of the
national allocation letter, its mostly for COE and goods and services.
Compensation of employees and goods and services, which make up current payments, are the major
cost drivers of the programme. Compensation of employees shows a positive growth of 17.2 per cent from
R399.934 million to R468.796 million when compared to the 2022/23 revised estimate due provision of
critical vacant funded posts, pay progression and additional funding for the cost of living adjustments
Goods and services shows a positive growth 27.7 per cent from R203.599 million to R259.960 million
when compared to the 2022/23 revised estimate due internal reprioritisation and additional funding as a
result of PES formula.
Transfers and subsidies show a negative growth of 44.7 per cent from R3.744 million to R2.072 million
when compared to the 2022/23 revised estimate due to reduction in the payment of leave gratuities.
Payments for capital assets show a negative growth of 39.2 per cent from R111.987 million to
R68.089 million when compared to the 2022/23 revised estimate due to Microsoft licenses function shift
to the Office of the Premier.
8.2 Programme 2: District Health Services
Objectives: To render Primary Health Care Services and District Hospital Services. This Programme has
9 sub-programmes with the following objectives:
x District Management: Planning and administration of services, managing personnel- and financial
administration and the co-ordinating and management of the Day Hospital Organisation and
Community Health Services rendered by Local Authorities and Non-Governmental Organisations
within the Metro and determining working methods and procedures and exercising district control;
x Community Health Clinics: Rendering a nurse driven primary health care service at clinic level
including visiting points, mobile- and local authority clinics;
x Community Health Centres: Rendering a primary health service with full-time medical officers in
respect of mother and child, health promotion, geriatrics, occupational therapy, physiotherapy,
psychiatry, speech therapy, communicable diseases, mental health, etc.;
x Community Based Services: Rendering a community-based health service at non –health facilities
in respect of home-based care, abuse victims, mental- and chronic care, school health, etc.;