Page 66 - Estimates of Public Entities Revenue & Expenditure 2023
P. 66


              6. Programme details

              The programme details of the entity are as follows:

              •  Corporate Services:  Enable innovative,  agile and quality  governance,  corporate services; a
                 high-performing  organisation;  a healthy,  productive,  capable and  mobile workforce imbibing

                 dynamic  competencies  and the  ECSECC  values  and also maximise communication and
              •  Economic Governance and Human Resource Development: Provide knowledge-based and

                 industry-informed strategic economic advice on provincial sector-based economic development
                 strategy, highlight key human capabilities  required to increase output and create  jobs for an
                 inclusive economy.

              •  Governance and Planning Support: Strengthen the building of a developmental state through
                 strategic and knowledge-based strategy, planning and in partnerships with citizens.
              •  Eastern Cape AIDS Council: Assist the province to effectively manage its response to HIV, TB
                 and STIs.

              •  Khawuleza  Project  Management  Office (KPMO): The  PMO is required to  increase  the
                 attainment of project goals, reduce project failure, and increase project management capability
                 whilst ensuring the optimal use and application of resources.

              7. 2022/23Performance review

              7.1  Key Achievements

              Social partners of the province have been engaged and are ready for compacting at the Provincial
              Development Convention; an opportunity that will provide provincial cohesion on the development
              agenda of the province.

              Partnership with universities and research institutes  are  already proving  their  worth towards  the
              provincial research  agenda  and  the establishment of a regional observatory.  In  this  regard joint
              seminars are planned with all universities in the province.

              An Oceans Economy Provincial Fisheries Workshop Report was produced during the period. The
              document reported hosting a workshop supporting Operation Phakisa in partnership with the fisheries
              sub-sector. The Report provides an overview of the Eastern Cape provincial ocean economy and

              emerging issues about the fishing sector and its impact on livelihoods.

              Produced a report  to  enhance  planning  by proposing  a provincial  approach towards District
              Development Model (DDM) implementation. The purpose of the model  is to enhance the delivery

              capability by different spheres of government and state entities in District and Metros. District inter-
              governmental dialogue was conducted, the Dialogue assisted in the identification of gaps in the Metro
              One Plans, developed vital milestones and timeframes, and defined the roles and responsibilities of
              the various spheres.

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