Page 277 - Provincial Treasury Estimates.pdf
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Estimates of the Provincial Revenue and Expenditure (EPRE) – 2023/24  Financial Year
           x Management of provincial immovable assets to ensure optimal and efficient utilisation throughout their
              lifecycle from acquisition to disposal by:
              o   Performing condition and performance assessment of the immovable asset to determine the effect
                  of the condition of the asset’s service delivery ability;
              o   Maintenance of the province’s immovable assets to ensure they remain in good working condition
                  in order to meet the service delivery objectives of the provincial government;
              o   Payment of rates and taxes for provincial assets; and
              o   Provision of facilities management services for provincial assets.
           x Ensuring use and disposal of immovable assets in line with the government’s socio-economic objectives
              including land reform, black economic empowerment, alleviation of poverty,  job creation and  the
              redistribution of wealth;
           x Provision of job opportunities for the unemployed through the Expanded Public Works Programme
              (EPWP); and
           x Provide empowerment and economic opportunities for the emerging contractors in the construction and
              property development sector through the Integrated Contractor Development Programme (ICDP).

           1.5  Demands for and expected changes in the services

           The reconfiguration of government in the 6  Administration brought about a change in the policy mandate
           of the department, adding to its historic role of being a custodian of immovable assets and implementer of
           infrastructure. At National level,  the Department of Public Works (DPW)  was assigned  the following
           additional roles  that, henceforth, led  to its renaming  to be  the Department of Public  Works and
           Infrastructure (DPWI):
           x Transfer the Infrastructure Development Management System (IDMS) function from National Treasury
              (NT) to the NDPWI;
           x Transfer the Presidential Infrastructure Coordinating Commission (PICC) from the Economic
              Development Department to the NDPWI; and
           x Assume responsibility for coordinating all public infrastructure development.

           At a provincial level, the department’s name was changed from DPW to DPWI with its  broadened mandate
           proclaimed through Proclamation Notice No 11 of 2021: Amendment to Schedule 2 of the Public Service
           Act: 1994 and gazetted on gazette No. 44416 of 6 April 2021. These new directives strongly foreground
           the broadened mandate of coordinating provincial social and economic infrastructure, which henceforth
           implies that the department will perform the following three broad roles:
           x A ‘Nerve Centre for provincial social and economic infrastructure delivery, maintenance coordination
              and investment’;
           x A ‘Custodian of provincial immovable assets and infrastructure delivery’; and
           x A driver of ‘Socio-economic transformation in infrastructure delivery and investment’.

           These are the roles that the department determined to reposition itself to perform with excellence and
           affirm its competitive advantage on. In so doing the department continues to align to the current provincial
           priorities of economic  transformation and  job creation, an enabling infrastructure, human capital
           development  through  education and skills development and  developing a capable ethical and
           developmental state through its institutions.

           The department continues to face pressure to deliver on its mandate and services due to increasing
           demand, threats, constraints and opportunities that continue to emerge from the environment in which it
           operates. These include, amongst other:
           x Slow economic growth and stubbornly increasing unemployment;
           x Growing demands for accommodation by user departments;

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