Page 280 - Provincial Treasury Estimates.pdf
P. 280

Department: Public Works and Infrastructure
           x Optimising entrepreneurship and job opportunities for socio-economic  transformation of emerging
              SMMEs (Cooperatives, emerging contractors, town and village economies) and HDIs in general;
           x Robust skills development for quality, efficient and sustainable infrastructure delivery, employability and
              / or active participation in the economic activities;
           x Utilisation of government land and buildings in urban and rural areas as a catalyst for spatially balanced
              economy  that facilitates socio-economic transformation and progressively changes the spatial
              disparities that are symbolic of apartheid geography of the province;
           x Promoting Local Economic Development through procurement processes;
           x Targeted youth employment and Broad-Based Black economic empowerment for designated groups;
           x Re-looking at the professional services within the built environment with the intention to address skills
              required within the various sectors and address skewed patterns of professional representations in the
              built environment professional councils.

           Programme 3 with a budget of R136.862 million in 2023/24 addresses the United Nations and African
           Union priorities stated in SDG 8: Decent Work and Economic growth; SDG 4: Quality Education to ensure
           inclusive and equitable education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all; P-MTSF Priority 2:
           Economic Transformation and Job Creation, P-MTSF Priority 3: Education, Skills and Health, PDP Goal
           1: Innovative and inclusive growing economy, PDP Goal 2: An enabling infrastructure network, PDP Goal
           4: Human development, and the EC 5 Point Recovery Plan- Equitable and Inclusive Transformation. These
           priorities will be implemented through the 2 sector-aligned departmental outcomes of “Transformed Built
           Environment and Optimised job Opportunities”.

           Optimised Work Opportunities
           This outcome focuses on the restructuring some of the programmes of the department to optimise the
           creation of work opportunities in the delivery of infrastructure and through the Expanded Public Works
           Programme (EPWP)  to create  more decent and sustainable  jobs. Furthermore, the department will
           coordinate the reporting of jobs created by all public bodies through EPWP and all Public Infrastructure
           including Strategic Infrastructure Projects  (SIPs) and Provincial Strategic projects (PSPs),  thereby
           contributing towards poverty alleviation and the reduction of unemployment.

           Programme 1 with a budget of R482.806 million in 2023/24, focuses on ensuring that the department is
           capacitated to become a capable, ethical and developmental institution of the state. It means that, this
           programme should configure the technical functioning and day-to-day operations to meet the requirements
           of a  technically efficient,  strategically capable and ethically sound developmental institution that will
           ultimately address the legitimate needs and expectations of the people for a better quality of life and a
           decent standard of living.
           This is in line with National Priority No. 1: Building a Capable, Ethical and Developmental State, aligned
           with the Provincial Goal No. 6 that talks to the establishment and strengthening of capable democratic
           institutions, which emanates from the African Union (AU) Agenda 2063.  The department has also linked
           the AU agenda with the Sustainable Developmental goals SDG No. 16 that talks to Peace, Justice and
           Strong Institutions.
           In creating an enabling environment and supporting all programmes to be capable of efficiently driving the
           developmental agenda of the country within the ambit of the department’s mandate. The programme will
           focus on the following outcomes:
           x Building a  resilient and capacitated Public  Works and Infrastructure by  focusing on ensuring
              skilled and capable departmental workforce including, technical, leadership and management staff;
              prudent and sustainable management of departmental financial resources including implementation of
              a Local Economic Development Framework; improved governance and accountability; transformed,
              integrated and innovative service delivery; and agile technology and enabling systems.

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