Page 284 - Provincial Treasury Estimates.pdf
P. 284

Department: Public Works and Infrastructure

           3. 3. Outlook for the coming financial year (2023/24)

           For the 2023/24 financial year, the department will continue to prioritise improving provision of its core
           services in an efficient, economical and effective manner. Changes in the demand for services compel the
           department to respond by focusing its attention on continuing to strengthen the efficiency of its normal
           operations, as well as the effectiveness of implementing the transformation agenda.

           Focus will still be embedded on the identified strategic focus areas, in line with the following outcomes:
           Resilient and capacitated Public Works and Infrastructure:

           This focus area entails strengthening efforts of building institutional capability, not only be a capable,
           developmental and ethical institution of government, but also to gradually assume the expanded mandate
           of Provincial Infrastructure coordination through:

           x   Building human resource capacity in relation to the demands by public infrastructure sector and to
               close the skills gap in the property and built environment. Various initiatives will be undertaken aimed
               at providing single skills pipeline (Professional, Technical, Artisan and Managerial skills) for all public
               infrastructure institutions in the Province;
           x   Due to high demand for filling of operational posts, the department will consider possibilities of reducing
               development programmes intake, in order to come up reasonable Annual Recruitment Plan to be ready
               for advertisement in 2023. The focus will be on technical and professional posts (Engineers production,
               Architects, Quantity Surveyors, Works Inspectors, Environmental and Building specialists as well as
               Artisans in different trades). This will  be done as part of the implementation of the new organisational
               structure that will contribute towards building institutional capability and also beefing up internal
           x   The department will continue with the implementation of the EXCO approved Provincial Infrastructure
               Governance Model.  Focus for the 2023/24 financial year will be reviewing the model approved by
               EXCO on 25 April 2022 governance structures with the aim in ensuring functionality of the model;
           x   Implementation of the Stakeholder Management Strategy that will strengthen strategic alliances and
               forge collaborative relationships with partners/stakeholders that will assist to enhance efficiency and
               effectiveness of DPWI service delivery;
           x   The department has  adopted a  two-pronged approach in relation to Business Architecture
               modernisation.  It started by  modernising critical business processes in 2022/23, such as the
               maintenance process, lease management process, condition assessment  process, as well as
               infrastructure coordination capability and project  management processes that informed System
               Development requirements for the Electronic Document and Records Management as well as the
               Integrated Portfolio Management System.  In 2023/24,  the focus will be on the second leg of  the
               modernisation process to drive the operational effectiveness, efficiencies and productivity. It shall be
               a collaborative approach by  Organizational Development (OD), Information and Communication
               Technology (ICT) and Strategy and Systems (SS) to commence the process of automating these
               processes; and
           x   The modernisation process also inter-links with the drafting of the District Operating Model and its
               implementation is in place. The implementation plan is targeting 7 interventions for implementation in
               the 2023/24, which are the following:
                o   Ideal Depot – refurbishment of maintenance depots as per Ideal Depot Concept;
                o   Income Lease Management Process Automation;
                o   Electronic Construction Project Management System;
                o   Implementing the new APTCOD Standard Operating Procedure;
                o   Human Resource Capacitation of critical posts;
                o   Implementation of the Electronic Visual Management; and
                o   Implementation of ICT infrastructure and systems in Depots.

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