Page 279 - Provincial Treasury Estimates.pdf
P. 279
Estimates of the Provincial Revenue and Expenditure (EPRE) – 2023/24 Financial Year
Productive Assets
Productive use and management of State-Owned Assets (Land and Buildings) to create value through:
x Provision of fit for purpose facilities, which facilitates the improvement and attainment of service delivery
objectives of client government departments and the delivery of frontline services that are suited to the
requirements of the public;
x Optimal utilisation in terms of their rate of occupancy; and
x Conducting condition assessments of the state facilities to ensure that they are properly maintained
and kept fit for purpose.
Sustainable Infrastructure Investment
South Africa and the Eastern Cape has a huge stock of public infrastructure assets. However, one of the
major concerns is that government has failed to derive the economic benefits from such a portfolio and
that infrastructure investment has not been adequately addressed in a sustained manner. Various
provincial policies and plans, acknowledge the critical role of infrastructure investment as being at the
heart of economic recovery, advancing sustainable economic growth, reducing poverty and progressively
changing the disparate spatial outcomes of the province. Even the post COVID-19 Economic Recovery
Plan puts Infrastructure as being at the centre of economic recovery.
To this effect, the department will optimally utilise the provincial immovable asset portfolio and public
infrastructure to facilitate socio-economic development of the Province and grow its economy and the
country at large. This entails mobilising or increasing direct domestic and / or foreign investment as a lever
for economic growth, enabling rapid development of high-potential economic sectors, enabling spatially
balanced economy, sector transformation, revenue generation and mobilisation of funding to deliver
sustainable Social Infrastructure (both capital and maintenance to replace ageing infrastructure).
Integrated Planning and Coordination
The new role of public infrastructure development and coordination bestowed to NDPWI and subsequently
to the ECDPWI through the Proclamation’s, broadened the mandate of the Public Works Sector to play a
huge transversal role of coordinating public (social and economic) infrastructure alongside with other
institutions of government. The ultimate aim is to improve the infrastructure development regime through
undertaking the following functions:
x Coordinating integrated infrastructure planning, implementation, operations and maintenance of the
enabling public infrastructure network;
x Improving infrastructure spatial and lifecycle management capability in the Province;
x Ensuring a transformed, integrated and innovative infrastructure service delivery;
x Ensuring functional governance arrangements that improve intergovernmental and partnership
relations, incorporating the new District Delivery Model; and
x Coordinating effective government-wide socio-economic infrastructure investment.
Dignified User Experience
Department has two different client sectors namely the user department and the services recipient client.
Each client has different needs and so the department will shape the service delivery accordingly to:
x Ensure best practice for each of the client sectors and delivery of public services in a dignified manner
that focuses on equal access, good quality, adequate quantity, safety of beneficiaries, timeliness, value
for money and fit for purpose; and
x Ensure accessible state facilities and public infrastructure in general to persons living with disabilities.
Transformed Built Environment
The department will radically pursue its third broad mandate of being a “Driver of Socio-Economic
Transformation”, through utilising infrastructure, properties and general procurement processes. All three
programmes of the department contribute to this outcome of a transformed and inclusive property and
construction industry through: