Page 282 - Provincial Treasury Estimates.pdf
P. 282

Department: Public Works and Infrastructure
           Responsive and citizen centric Public Works and Infrastructure

           The department continues to focus on building a DPWI brand through ensuring that it has its ears on the
           ground, engages and serve the citizens of the province and cooperates with other institutions through
           strong intergovernmental relations (IGR). To this end, 95 per cent of resolutions from IGR structures were

           Productive Assets
           As part of productive use and  management of state-owned immovable assets  for provision of  fit-for-
           purpose accommodation that will facilitate improved service delivery by client departments, the department
           continues to maintain the state facilities and providing a conducive working environment for government
           employees. As a result, a total of 250 facilities/buildings were provided to the users/client departments
           against the annual  target of 350. To date,  127  utilisation inspections were concluded  for office
           accommodation against the annual target of 150. In terms of the condition assessments on state-owned
           buildings, 242 were conducted against the target of 350.

           In respect of  the Provincial Office Accommodation Plan, the process has been completed after
           consultations with all user departments confirming their needs and requirements. The draft plan is based
           on 4 principles being: Adherence to average 15m² per person estimated space utilisation; Consolidation
           into fewer buildings; Provision of more efficient, effective and sustainable workplaces; and Transformation
           of the property sector to increase black participation and new entrants into property market. Furthermore,
           the Provincial Infrastructure Working Group (PIWG) has established the Provincial Infrastructure Steering
           Committee (PISC) specifically for Office Accommodation. This structure will reconfirm the user department
           needs in compliance with  the  OHS and other legislations including  the development of a long term
           maintenance plan.

           DPWI’s professional team has developed a master plan for the construction of office precincts and adapted
           a 2 phased approached for construction of office precinct at the Emaxesibeni Cluster, with phase 1 – Civil
           Works under construction and Phase 2 – Construction of 5 office blocks for 10 government departments
           (Block 1 procurement concluded, Block 2-5 in the design development stage). With regard to the Addo
           Office precinct, the site has been identified in Sarah Baartman and fenced in while the department is still
           consolidating the office needs of  the sector departments. However,  DPWI office needs has been
           concluded, the concept finalised and approved by the municipality. The department is still looking for the
           best suitable site for the development for Port St Johns, while continuing to consolidate the office needs
           of the sector departments. The Bhisho Office Precinct is under adjudication stage and will be going to
           IBAC in March 2023.

           The department remains committed to implement and adhere to the Facilities Maintenance and Operations
           service standards and as a result, a service provider has been appointed to develop and implement a
           comprehensive Facilities Management model. Phase 1 is the establishment of a call centre that will deal
           with all maintenance related matters experienced by user departments in all state-owned and leased

           Transformed Built Environment
           The department continues to drive  the radical socio-economic transformation agenda especially in
           transforming the built environment. For the period under review, 86 per cent of goods and services against
           the annual target of 95 per cent, while 68 per cent of infrastructure capital expenditure to annual target of
           45 per cent, were sourced from local suppliers. The department remains committed to set aside 20 per
           cent of infrastructure budget for direct contracting Integrated Contractor Development Programme SMMEs
           (Exempted Micro Enterprises & Qualifying Small Enterprises). The implementation of the Transformation
           programme has resulted in more leases concluded with Black Landlords participating in the Property
           market. To date, 72 per cent of leases have been concluded with black landlords against the annual target
           of 60 per cent.

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