Page 285 - Provincial Treasury Estimates.pdf
P. 285
Estimates of the Provincial Revenue and Expenditure (EPRE) – 2023/24 Financial Year
Responsive and citizen centric Public Works and Infrastructure:
Focusing on building a DPWI brand through ensuring a strong relationship with Client departments, in
order to effectively engage and serve the citizens of the Province. The Inter-Governmental Relations (IGR)
office shall continue to track and report on resolutions affecting infrastructure taken at the Provincial sphere
(such as in Clusters, Provincial Management, Premier’s Coordinating Forum, and Cabinet Committees),
as well as tracking of implementation of IGR resolutions taken at National and Local spheres of
Government, such as MINMEC and Executive Council Resolutions from IGR structure at Local Level:
Productive Assets:
The department shall continue to ensure productive use and management of state-owned immovable
assets, which shall be outlined in the Provincial Accommodation Plan that will be approved in 2023/24.
The plan seeks to align the overall portfolio with the service delivery objectives and mandate of the Eastern
Cape Provincial Government. The objectives of the Provincial Office Accommodation Masterplan are as
x Support government service delivery through:
o Improved community access to government departments;
o Enhanced departmental collaboration; and
o Provision of more efficient, effective and sustainable workplaces.
x Reduce the overall ongoing cost of government office accommodation through:
o Consolidation into fewer buildings;
o Adherence to policy of 15 square meter of floor space per person; and
o New fit-out standards.
x Support future machinery of government reforms through:
o More efficient and cost effective department restructuring and associated office relocations; and
o Transformation of the Property Sector by ensuring that by the end of the P-MTSF term, all Head
Office accommodation shall be 100 per cent state-owned and District Office accommodation shall
be 60 per cent state-owned and 40 per cent leased accommodation.
Furthermore, the department has appointed a service provider to hand-hold the rolling out of an overall
Facilities and Operations Management Framework, which will ensure collating of conditional assessment
reports, as well as calculating cost estimates for renovation of current state-owned buildings and 10-year
maintenance plans.
These interventions for the creation of value through productive use and management of state-owed
assets is as follows:
x Provision of 250 facilities that are fit for purpose;
x Conducting 300 utilisation inspections for office accommodation;
x Conducting 300 condition assessments on state-owned buildings; and
x Implementing Facilities Maintenance and Operations (FM&O) service standards to ensure efficient,
effective, professional provision of services especially for the Prestige Portfolio.
Transformed Built Environment:
The department will continue to drive its radical socio-economic transformation agenda especially in
transforming the property and built environment in 2023/24 through:
x Sourcing 100 per cent of goods and services from local suppliers, manufacturers and / or contractors
(Exempted Micro Enterprises (EMEs) and Qualifying Small Enterprises (QSEs)) targeting designated
x Sourcing 60 per cent of infrastructure capital expenditure items from local suppliers, manufacturers
and contractors (including EMEs and QSEs) targeting designated groups;