Page 290 - Provincial Treasury Estimates.pdf
P. 290
Department: Public Works and Infrastructure
Payments for Capital Assets decreased from R254.932 million in 2019/20 to a revised estimate of
R210.937 million in 2022/23. The decrease is as a result of the once off allocations for acquiring and
building of properties over the years. In 2023/24, the budget increases by 15.6 per cent to
R243.806 million when compared to the 2022/23 revised estimate due to the department’s focus on the
district development through office complexes.
7.4 Expenditure by municipal boundary
Table 6: Summary of departmental payments and estimates by benefiting municipal boundary
R thousand 2019/20 2020/21 2021/22 2022/23 2023/24 2024/25 2025/26
Buffalo City 585 708 566 197 604 027 617 925 657 925 635 425 649 082 656 970 664 509 2.1
Nelson Mandela Bay 123 399 119 289 127 259 130 187 180 187 187 687 192 110 203 932 213 986 2.4
Sarah Baartman District Municipality 39 517 38 202 40 754 41 693 41 693 41 693 40 346 41 790 43 248 (3.2)
Dr Beyers Naude 9 826 9 499 10 134 10 367 10 367 10 367 10 483 10 767 10 829 1.1
Blue Crane Route 2 806 2 712 2 894 2 960 2 960 2 960 2 822 2 932 3 064 (4.7)
Makana 14 519 14 036 14 973 15 318 15 318 15 318 14 603 15 170 15 853 (4.7)
Ndlambe 3 105 3 002 3 202 3 276 3 276 3 276 3 123 3 244 3 390 (4.7)
Sundays River Valley 4 116 3 979 4 245 4 343 4 343 4 343 4 140 4 301 4 494 (4.7)
Kouga 2 900 2 804 2 991 3 060 3 060 3 060 2 917 3 030 3 167 (4.7)
Kou-Kamma 2 245 2 170 2 315 2 369 2 369 2 369 2 258 2 346 2 451 (4.7)
Amatole District Municipality 37 009 35 776 38 166 39 044 39 223 39 222 38 622 39 568 40 407 (1.5)
Mbhashe 1 025 991 1 057 1 081 1 081 1 081 1 031 1 071 1 119 (4.6)
Mnquma 6 823 6 595 7 036 7 198 7 198 7 198 6 862 7 129 7 449 (4.7)
Great Kei 537 519 554 566 566 566 540 561 586 (4.6)
Amahlathi 2 591 2 505 2 672 2 734 2 734 2 734 2 606 2 707 2 829 (4.7)
Ngqushwa 5 857 5 662 6 040 6 179 6 179 6 179 5 891 6 120 6 395 (4.7)
Raymond Mhlaba 20 176 19 504 20 807 21 286 21 465 21 464 21 692 21 980 22 029 1.1
Chris Hani District Municipality 39 254 37 944 40 480 41 412 41 412 43 912 40 479 41 914 43 658 (7.8)
Inxuba Yethemba 7 699 7 442 7 939 8 122 8 122 8 122 8 743 8 944 9 206 7.6
Intsika Yethu 4 116 3 979 4 245 4 343 4 343 4 343 4 140 4 301 4 494 (4.7)
Emalahleni 1 125 1 087 1 160 1 186 1 186 1 186 1 131 1 175 1 228 (4.6)
Engcobo 551 532 568 581 581 581 554 576 601 (4.6)
Sakhisizwe 1 581 1 528 1 630 1 668 1 668 1 668 1 590 1 652 1 726 (4.7)
Enoch Mgijima 24 182 23 376 24 938 25 512 25 512 28 012 24 321 25 266 26 403 (13.2)
Joe Gqabi District Municipality 66 420 64 207 68 497 70 073 70 073 72 573 66 802 69 398 72 520 (8.0)
Elundini 63 407 61 295 65 390 66 894 66 894 69 394 63 772 66 250 69 231 (8.1)
Senqu 338 327 349 357 357 357 340 353 369 (4.8)
Walter Sisulu 2 675 2 585 2 758 2 822 2 822 2 822 2 690 2 795 2 920 (4.7)
O.R. Tambo District Municipality 164 212 158 742 169 348 173 244 183 244 188 244 193 158 200 575 204 297 2.6
Ngquza Hill 2 381 2 302 2 456 2 512 2 512 2 512 2 395 2 488 2 600 (4.7)
Port St Johns 2 620 2 533 2 702 2 764 2 764 2 764 2 635 2 737 2 861 (4.7)
Nyandeni 3 136 3 031 3 234 3 308 3 308 3 308 3 154 3 277 3 424 (4.7)
Mhlontlo 6 281 6 072 6 477 6 626 6 626 6 626 6 317 6 562 6 858 (4.7)
King Sabata Dalindyebo 149 794 144 804 154 479 158 034 168 034 173 034 178 657 185 511 188 554 3.2
Alfred Nzo District Municipality 100 970 97 607 104 129 106 524 106 524 111 524 111 552 114 498 117 245 0.0
Matatiele 10 282 9 939 10 603 10 847 10 847 10 847 10 341 10 743 11 226 (4.7)
Umzimvubu 77 389 74 811 79 810 81 646 81 646 86 646 87 835 89 859 91 498 1.4
Mbizana 6 888 6 659 7 104 7 267 7 267 7 267 6 928 7 197 7 521 (4.7)
Ntabankulu 6 411 6 198 6 612 6 764 6 764 6 764 6 448 6 699 7 000 (4.7)
District Municipalities 892 380 862 654 920 292 941 467 947 467 976 910 974 321 995 033 1 039 751 (0.3)
Sarah Baartman District Municipality 86 601 83 716 89 310 91 365 91 365 91 365 94 100 96 125 98 556 3.0
Amatole District Municipality 201 706 194 987 208 015 212 801 212 801 218 244 219 668 221 750 235 234 0.7
Chris Hani District Municipality 116 979 113 082 120 638 123 414 123 414 128 414 130 653 138 224 142 124 1.7
Joe Gqabi District Municipality 119 304 115 330 123 035 125 866 125 866 130 866 129 991 134 653 136 262 (0.7)
O.R. Tambo District Municipality 200 251 193 581 206 515 211 266 217 266 221 266 220 405 223 230 242 646 (0.4)
Alfred Nzo District Municipality 167 539 161 958 172 779 176 755 176 755 186 755 179 504 181 051 184 929 (3.9)
Unallocated 380 883 373 243 399 521 409 025 396 015 367 226 197 403 218 548 203 751 (46.2)
Total Payments 2 429 752 2 353 861 2 512 473 2 570 594 2 663 763 2 664 416 2 503 875 2 582 226 2 643 372 (6.0)
Table 6 above provides the summary of expenditure by the department in each of the benefiting
municipalities and the two metros. Expenditure in the municipalities accommodates key projects (i.e. office
accommodation, security services, payment of rates and taxes, district development and maintenance) as
well as empowerment of communities through interventions such as EPWP programmes. Over the
2023 MTEF, the bulk of the department’s service delivery spending is concentrated in mainly the two
metros and district municipality area of OR Tambo receiving the most followed by Amatole and Alfred Nzo.