Page 292 - Provincial Treasury Estimates.pdf
P. 292

Department: Public Works and Infrastructure

           Conditional grant payments by economic classification

           Table 9: Summary of departmental conditional grants by economic classification

                                                           Main    Adjusted    Revised
                                                        appropriation   appropriation   estimate   Medium-term estimates   % change
                                                                                                          from 2022/23
            R thousand                     2020/21  2021/22       2022/23          2023/24  2024/25  2025/26
            Current payments                  8 644   10 272   13 502   13 502   13 502   10 485  -                      -       (22.3)
             Compensation of employees                   -                     -      -                            -      -                               -      -                      -
             Goods and services               8 644   10 272   13 502   13 502   13 502   10 485  -                      -       (22.3)
             Interest and rent on land                   -                     -      -                            -      -                               -      -                      -
            Transfers and subsidies                      -                     -      -                            -      -                               -      -                      -
              Provinces and municipalities                   -                     -      -                            -      -                               -      -                      -
               Households                                -                     -      -                            -      -                               -      -                      -
            Payments for capital assets                  -                     -      -                            -      -                               -      -                      -
             Buildings and other fixed structures                  -                     -      -                            -      -                               -      -                      -
             Machinery and equipment                     -                     -      -                            -      -                               -      -                      -
             Software and other intangible assets                  -                     -      -                            -      -                               -      -                      -
            Payments for financial assets                  -                     -      -                            -      -                               -      -                      -
             Total economic classification    8 644   10 272   13 502   13 502   13 502   10 485  -                      -       (22.3)
           The grant is the department’s share of the Expanded Public Works Incentive grant to provinces based on
           the Full Time Equivalent (FTEs)  job opportunities created by the department. This  conditional grant
           increased from R6.814 million in 2019/20 to a revised estimate of R13.502 million. In 2023/24, the budget
           decreases by 22.3 per cent to R10.485 million when compared to the 2022/23 revised estimate due to the
           reduced number of work opportunities created in 2022/23.

           7.7  Transfers

           7.7.1 Transfers to local government by category

           Table 10: Transfers to municipalities by transfer type and category
                                                          Main    Adjusted   Revised
                                        Outcome                                         Medium-term estimates  % change
                                                        appropriation  appropriation  estimate
            R thousand         2019/20  2020/21  2021/22          2022/23           2023/24  2024/25  2025/26  from 2022/23
            Category A                   229 505             255 723             285 022             258 584             292 875             292 875             232 238             277 766             250 791  (20.7)
            Category B                   273 526             280 630             312 838             332 045             371 938             371 938             307 888             326 360             358 996  (17.2)
            Category C                      4 308                6 471                3 999                5 373                1 189                1 189                4 482                4 683                5 152  277.0
            Unallocated             –        –        –        –       –        –        –        –         –
            Total departmental transfers             507 339             542 824             601 859             596 002             666 002             666 002             544 608             608 809             614 939  (18.2)

           Table 10 above shows the summary of transfers in respect of payment of property rates and taxes for
           provincial owned properties. Transfers to municipalities increased from R507.339 million in 2019/20 to a
           revised estimate of R666.002 million. This increase is attributable to the broadening of  the property
           portfolio owned by the province as well as the impact of higher municipal valuations that increases the
           property rates and taxes. In 2023/24, the budget decreases by 18.2 per cent to R544.608 million when
           compared to the 2022/23 revised estimate due to once off allocation for the settlement of municipal rates
           and taxes accruals.

           8. 8. Programme description

           8.1   Programme 1: Administration

           Objectives: Provides administrative strategic financial and corporate support services in order to ensure
           that it delivers on its mandate in an integrated efficient effective and sustainable manner. The programme
           is divided into 3 sub-programmes as follows:
           x    Office of the MEC: To render advisory, secretarial, administrative and office support service;

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