Page 294 - Provincial Treasury Estimates.pdf
P. 294
Department: Public Works and Infrastructure
Payment for Capital Assets decreased from R26.387 million in 2019/20 to a revised estimate of
R20.131 million. In 2023/24, budget increases by 4.2 per cent to R20.981 million when compared to the
2022/23 revised estimate due to continued provision to replace the ageing ICT equipment.
8.2 Programme 2: Public Works Infrastructure
Objectives: To provide a balanced and equitable provincial government building infrastructure by
promoting accessibility that is sustainable integrated and environmentally sensitive, which supports
economic development and social empowerment. The programme is divided into 7 sub-programmes as
x Programme support: To manage the activities of the professional components strategically as well
as to render an administrative support services to the professional components with regard to finance
matters and supply chain management;
x Planning: Manages the demand for infrastructure development monitoring and enforcement of the
built sector as well as property management norms and standards;
x Design: Designs new and upgrade building infrastructure with the intention to ensure that plans are
ready for funding and will include only 4 of the 6 procab stages (namely stages 1 to 4 of project
inception, concept design, development and projects documentation, respectively);
x Construction: Responsible for new construction upgrading and refurbishment and it entails 2 of the
procab stages (namely stage 5 of construction period and contract administration and stage 6 of
project close out and debriefing);
x Maintenance: Responsible mainly for four maintenance activities namely: routine maintenance,
scheduled maintenance, alterations and conditions assessment of all buildings;
x Immovable Asset Management: Manages the property portfolio of the province by establishing and
managing the provincial strategic and infrastructure plan to provide accommodation for all provincial
departments and other institutions as well as acquire and dispose of accommodation in terms of the
plans; and
x Facility Operations: Manages the operations of buildings (including facilities management, cleaning,
greening, beautification, interior decoration and designs, and day to day preventative maintenance of
electronic, electrical and mechanical equipment) and all services related to managing a building.
Table 13: Summary of departmental payments and estimates sub-programme: P2 – Public Works
Main Adjusted
Outcome Revised estimate Medium-term estimates % change from
appropriation appropriation 2022/23
R thousand 2019/20 2020/21 2021/22 2022/23 2023/24 2024/25 2025/26
1. Programme Support 107 048 121 710 158 570 159 792 154 221 183 568 67 594 43 707 11 968 (63.2)
2. Planning 4 257 4 122 5 186 7 315 5 575 5 575 1 179 2 365 2 147 (78.9)
3. Design – – – – – – – – –
4. Construction 288 713 193 933 250 193 290 153 267 030 201 357 308 578 323 700 340 852 53.2
5. Maintenance 187 902 174 079 174 754 178 278 188 687 189 021 226 061 229 044 237 981 19.6
6. Immovable Asset Management 933 924 991 711 1 014 184 1 020 469 1 110 340 1 143 080 965 854 1 038 597 1 070 999 (15.5)
7. Facility Operations 234 453 264 498 252 605 277 098 296 798 296 798 314 941 334 000 345 459 6.1
Total payments and estimates 1 756 297 1 750 053 1 855 492 1 933 105 2 022 651 2 019 399 1 884 207 1 971 413 2 009 406 (6.7)