Page 313 - Provincial Treasury Estimates.pdf
P. 313

MTEF Forward Estimates  25/26  24/25  498  498  503  503  498  498  500  500  44 184  40 594  0  0  0  12 000  0  0  33 569  20 449  0  0  14 784  14 784  60 000  27 000  20 000  20 000  10 000  10 000  35 000  36 500  0  0  20 000  20 000  193 353  160 733  13 326  11 000  23 918  23 918  0  0  0  0  17 000  15 000  0  3 500  0  0

               Total  Available  23/24  498  503  498  500  51 464  8 000  15 000  4 000  0  25 000  0  10 000  5 000  5 000  40 475  1 000  10 000  123 475  6 000  0  1 000  8 000  0  13 500  12 000

               Total  Expenditure  to date from  previous  years  1805  2304  1659  3488  250 535  2716  0  259 050  0  8580  1220  13 225  0  0  12 246  14 894  0  311 931  0  0  10 080  24 319  0  8247  0

               Total Project  Cost  1494  1509  1494  1498  360 737  10 000  27 000  197 000  72 518  48 569  250 000  170 675  50 000  30 000  155 883  23 857  70 000  1 105 502  37 326  47 836  10 464  24 664  40 000  22 485  10 379

               Budget program  name  Programme 3 - Expanded  Programme PublicWorks  Programme 3 - Expanded  Programme PublicWorks  Programme 3 - Expanded  Programme PublicWorks  Programme 3 - Expanded  Programme PublicWorks  Programme 2 - Public  WorksInfrastructure  Programme 2 - Public  WorksInfrastructure  Programme 2 - Public Works  Infrastructure Programme 2 - Public Works  Infrastructure Programme 2 - Public Works  Infrastructure Programme 2 - Public Works  Infrastructure  Prog

               Source of  Funding  Equitable Share  Equitable Share  Equitable Share  Equitable Share  Equitable Share  Equitable Share  Equitable Share  Equitable Share  Equitable Share  Equitable Share  Equitable Share  Equitable Share  Equitable Share  Equitable Share  Equitable Share  Equitable Share  Equitable Share  Equitable Share  Equitable Share  Equitable Share  Equitable Share  Equitable Share  Equitable Share

               Project Duration  Date: Date: start  finish  31/Mar/26 01/Apr/19  31/Mar/26 01/Apr/19  31/Mar/26 01/Apr/19  31/Mar/26  01/Apr/19  31/Aug/26  26/May/21  13/Feb/25 11/May/21  15/Feb/24  10/May/16  25/Mar/26  28/Oct/21  29/Mar/24 11/Jun/19  25/Feb/26  01/Mar/21  16/Dec/25 14/Sep/21  08/Dec/25 16/Nov/21  08/Dec/25  09/Aug/21  25/Aug/26  01/Jul/21  25/Oct/23  01/Jul/21  05/Dec/25  23/Jun/21  31/Mar/26  13/May/20  27/Aug/25 18/Aug/21  23/Aug/23 16/Mar/21  15/Mar/24  22/Sep/2

               Local  Municipality                             Sundays River Valley  King Sabata Dalindyebo  King Sabata Dalindyebo  Nelson Mandela Bay  Nelson Mandela Bay

                       Various  Various  Various  Various  Makana  Makana  Walter Sisulu  Port St Johns  Umzimvubu  Umzimvubu  Umzimvubu  Umzimvubu  Makana  Elundini  Buffalo City  Buffalo City  Ingquza Hill  Buffalo City

               District  Municipality  Chris Hani  Joe Gqabi  OR Tambo  Alfred Nzo  Sarah Baartman  Sarah Baartman  Joe Gqabi  O.R.Tambo  Alfred Nzo  Sarah Baartman  Alfred Nzo  Alfred Nzo  Alfred Nzo  O.R.Tambo  Sarah Baartman  Joe Gqabi  O.R.Tambo  Nelson Mandela Bay  Buffalo City  Buffalo City  Nelson Mandela Bay  O.R.Tambo  Buffalo City

               IDMS Stage  Packaged Programme  Packaged Programme  Packaged Programme  Packaged Programme  Stage 5: Works  Stage 4:  Design  Documentation  Stage 6: Handover  Stage 1: Initiation/ Pre-  feasibility  Stage 5: Works  Stage 3: Design  Development  Stage 4:  Design  Documentation  Stage 4:  Design  Documentation  Stage 4:  Design  Documentation  Stage 5: Works  Stage 5: Works  Stage 4: Design  Documentation  Stage 4: Design  Documentation  Stage 1: Initiation/  Pre-feasib

               Project Name  Household Contractor  Programme in Chris  HaniMunicipality  Household Contractor  Programme in Joe  Gqabi  Municipality  Household Contractor  Programme in OR  Tambo  Municipality  Household Contractor  Programme in Alfred  Municipality  Phase 2: Training Centre InHouse Construction Unit  Makanda  Phase 3: Training Centre InHouse Construction Unit  Makanda  Aliwal North Cluster Office  Construction of Port St Johns  Cluster Offices Construction of Emaxesi

      Cape  Table B5: Public Works Payments of infrastructure by  Type of  Infrastructure  Nzo TOTAL: Maintenance and Repairs(33 projects) 2. New or Replaced Infrastructure  3. Upgrading and

      Eastern          Departmental Facility  Departmental Facility  Departmental Facility  Departmental Facility  Office Building  Building/Structures  Building/Structures  Office Building  Office Building  Office Building  Office Building  Office Building  Office Building  Office Building  Office Building  Office Building  Office Building  Office Building  Office Building  Office Building  Office Building  Building/Structures  Departmental Facility

   308   309   310   311   312   313   314   315   316   317   318