Page 316 - Provincial Treasury Estimates.pdf
P. 316

Department: Education

           Table 1: Summary of departmental allocation

            To be appropriated by Vote in 2022/23         R 41 128 250 000

            Responsible MEC                               MEC for Education
            Administrating Department                     Department of Education
            Accounting Officer                            Head of Department

           1. Overview

           1.1 Vision

             Learners with opportunities to become productive,  responsible and  competitive citizens through an
             inclusive quality basic education system.

           1.2 Mission

             To implement appropriate and relevant educational programmes through quality teaching and learning,

             and at the same time  mobilizing community and stakeholder  support through participation and to
             institutionalise a culture of accountability at all levels of the department.

           1.3 Core functions and responsibilities

             To provide quality education and training from  Pre-Grade R  to  Grade-  12, manage the  supply  and
             demand of  teachers as well as the utilisation, resourcing and provision of high quality school

             infrastructure in the Eastern Cape.

           1.4 Main Services

             x   Resourcing and delivering quality education by empowering all learners to become responsible

                 citizens by equipping  them with  skills, knowledge and values  to contribute positively  to the
                 development of both the individual learner and society at large;
             x   Universalisation of Early Childhood Development (ECD) by, in particular,  focusing on learners

                 accessing Grade R;
             x   Continuous improvement in pass rates for Languages and Mathematics in the General Education

                 and Training (GET) Band – Grades 1 to 9 to achieve 90 per cent pass rates by 2030;

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