Page 319 - Provincial Treasury Estimates.pdf
P. 319

Estimates of the Provincial Revenue and Expenditure (EPRE) – 2023/24 Financial Year

           1.7 Aligning departmental budgets to achieve government’s prescribed outcomes

           Government has adopted the National Development Plan (NDP) 2030 as its  vision. The Provincial

           Development Plan (PDP) is grounded in the NDP but is shaped by critical priorities specific to the Eastern
           Cape. The department remains committed to the objectives of the Provincial Government and the National
           Development Plan through supporting, where it can, the priorities embedded in the Medium Term Strategic

           Framework (MTSF) through the articulation of those priorities as set out in the Strategic Plan 2020 - 2025.

           Along with government goals, to which the department and the province aligns, the sector has the following
           priorities to deliver, as enshrined in the Action Plan and towards the Realisation of schooling 2030: (i)

           Access to quality Early Child Development; (ii) Improved quality teaching and learning to ensure that 90
           per cent of learners in Grade 3, 6 and 9 achieve 50 per cent or more in Languages, Maths and Science;
           (iii) Provision of learning and teaching material; (iv) Inclusive education; (v) Provision of Infrastructure and

           (vi) Teacher Development.

            The primary focus of the department is on continued improved education outcomes and providing learning
           opportunities to develop the learners holistically. The budget, therefore, has been prioritised to ensure that

           there is an ongoing improvement in line with sectorial priorities and government goals as entrenched in
           government plans.

           1.8 Budget decisions

           The department receives the largest portion of the provincial budget that seeks to respond to a number of

           educational needs in the system. The overal budget grew fairly, in nominal terms, by 3.4 per cent from
           current revised baseline. The majority of increased funding provides for personnel, particularly the funding
           of educator staff, Cost of Living Adjustment, and other key educational imperatives.

           The equitable share portion of the budget constrains  the department to reconsider its priorities and

           activities with the objective of curtailing down on certain activities in order to maintain expenditure at
           existing limits. Further, other factors were carefully deliberated and the protection of frontline services such

           as Post Provisioning Norm (PPN), classroom  resources etc. were prioritised in crafting of the final

           Department’s ability to deliver against its vision has been severely strained over the last few years period.
           However, an ugmentation of norms and standards funding has helped in meeting the national prescribed

           norm, and accordingly factored in the budget baseline for the upcoming fiscal year.

           Decision to maintain the use of ICT trajectory, post COVID-19, will keep physical visits to schools and
           districts at bare minimum, except in exceptional circumnstances. However, ICT will be prioritised for

           monitoring and support on a broader scale, thus expenditure is anticipated to grow.

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