Page 322 - Provincial Treasury Estimates.pdf
P. 322
Department: Education
support during the period under review. Key trends that emerged from monitoring visits, included the
greater compliance in the implementation of the programme by primary schools in respect of the meal
balance, serving the correct portion sizes as well as adhering to the feeding times. Overall, the breakfast
programme is implemented well at primary and secondary schools and the coming financial year suggest
for greater participation in the primary schools.
Provision of classroom resources i.e. Learner Teacher Support Material and furniture
The department set aside an original funding of R654.075 million for 2022/23, largely for the acquisition of
textbooks and stationery, and a further provision of R134.213 million for furniture (chairs and desks).
Procurement for both furniture and learner teacher support material is being managed by the department
centrally, and in line with approved central procurement deliveries to schools.
x Learning material - the department gave priority to LTSM acquisition of a consumable nature, as the
replenishment of the stock is required on yearly basis. As such, 100 per cent delivery of stationery to
all deserving schools. Likewise, education has managed to deliver 1 612 347 textbooks from 53
publishers, to 5 017 deserving schools, including reported new schools and schools with curriculum
x Furniture – for the period under question, 343 schools received school furniture i.e. learner desks and
chairs from the warehouse stock on hand. The recipient of delivery included 50 373 units, consisting
of 17 988 chairs and 32 385 tables, delivered across different school levels.
Access to Early Childhood Development is currently threatened by a number of factors including
defective infrastructure and mobility towards accessing the centres. Most children in the province are not
thriving in foundational numeracy and literacy. All of this creates the risk that the sector will not adequately
prepare children for economic participation in the nation. Moreover, the facilities from which the programs
are administered are not purpose-built, as such guidelines and requirements are not adhered to. Strides,
however, have been made in certain areas of the programme, including the training of Grade R educators
on National Curriculum Framework and the provision of core material thereof, as well as the successful
payment of all ECD centres for both first and second quarter.
Whilst identification of three “High Impact Projects” was made on Information Communication
Technology, during 2022/23, the department had not fully implemented these projects due to constrained
iscus, however there has been a noticeable number of schools connected through broadband with the
assistance of Premier’s Office. To this effect, 30 per cent of the schools have been connected thus far. A
futher deployment of ICT devices were distributed to 393 schools for teaching and learning purposes
through partnership with Nudle Group and through the utilisation of the departmental budget allocation (to
116 schools). Statistics South Africa (Stats SA) also donated 8 000 tablets that were distributed to 14
schools across different districts in the province.
The department made a commitment to inclusion, which means that no learner will ever be left out on
account of disability of whatever kind, hence the Bonke Ngabethu Project. To realize this, several