Page 323 - Provincial Treasury Estimates.pdf
P. 323
Estimates of the Provincial Revenue and Expenditure (EPRE) – 2023/24 Financial Year
programmes have been undertaken during the period under review. Across the province, 124 learners
received psychological assessments and 320 learners received therapeutic interventions and
assessments from Occupational, Speech Language Therapists, Physiotherapists and Audiologists. A
highlight was the establishment of a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the Nelson Mandela and
Walter Sisulu Universities for the placement of intern Psychometrist and Counselors in schools from
January 2023 to ensure that more learners are screened and supported. Another achievement was the
establishment of a high-level support program for learners in a Hearing Impairment Unit at Mandela Park
Junior Primary School.
3. Outlook for the coming financial year (2023/24)
The department continues to focus its energy on maximising the key educational outputs that are centered
on sustained delivery of the sector impact statement “access to quality education”. Thus, department will
further linger delivering on the following priorities in support of improved reading and learning outcomes:
x Information Communication Technology is a key focus and the biggest drive and investment is
now towards integration, effecting change management to achieve improved electronic
administration through maximised usage of the Office 365 suite. The department will explore more
opportunities for new educational technologies and search ways to utilise ICT in improving our
administration systems, supporting teachers and learners at schools. Education Management
Information Systems (EMIS) will continue to serve as a central hub for data management, and its
goal is to position the system to serve as a more proactive source of data for the department,
assisting it in making quick and informed decisions across the sector
x Norms and standards for funding – through addition in allocation, department will be funding at
the required national rate per learner of R1.602 for Quintiles 1- 3; R803 for Quintile school level 4
and R278 for Quintile 5 learners, all at the national norm per learner rate. Thus, this meant a total
of 1,521,833 learners in public ordinary schools stand to benefit from the No Fee School Funding
in terms of the National Norms and Standards Policy. Additional funding norm allows for the
adequate resourcing of textbooks and stationery, and shortages thereof, to schools.
x The School National School Nutrition has suffered under the wake of Covid-19, and the resultant
escalation of food products and fuel costs. However, engagements at the National office has
positively contributed to the overall reach of the programme looking into the 2023/2024 financial
year. For the first time the breakfast programme will extend its reach to every primary school learner
in the province. The provision of a balanced nutritious meals to deserving learners from poverty-
stricken areas, forms a critical part of the wellness, which seeks to keep learners healthy and
focused for as long as possible, in a learning environment. Therefore, 1 638 108 qualifying learners
in 4 883 public schools, mainly quintiles 1 to 3 and identified public special schools, will be provided
with nutritious meals in 2023 academic year.
x Teacher supply - due to resource constraints, the department has reduced its headcount
declaration of 53 605 posts in respect of the PPN from 2022 to 52 817 headcounts in 2023
academic period, for both at Public Ordinary and Special Schools. The PPN makes provision for