Page 325 - Provincial Treasury Estimates.pdf
P. 325

Estimates of the Provincial Revenue and Expenditure (EPRE) – 2023/24 Financial Year

                  department is conducting a pilot project in 10 public ordinary schools to introduce the technical

                  occupational stream. The pilot is enabling the province to determine a full-scale roll-out of the
                  technical occupational curriculum to further public ordinary schools in 2023.

           4. Reprioritisation

           The reprioritisation department has re-aligned the budget allocation in the medium term to accelerate
           implementation of programmes in key focus areas of service delivery, and this exercise was implemented
           within the  relevant programmes, economic categories and items to align the budget with plans. Key

           amongst the reprioritisation was to accelerate the eradication of pit-toilets, beautification of schools and
           fencing of various schools in the province in 2023/24 financial year. A substantial portion of infrastructure

           budget for 2023/24 budget is reprioritized to address sanitation backlogs.

           Further reprioritisation of the baseline budget was undertaken to increase funding provision for LTSM,
           School furniture, coding and robotics, vocational and technical equipment, agricultural schools,

           maintenance of ECD centres and  ICT in schools. The department will continue  to implement cost
           containment measures in the new financial year to redirect funding to focus areas of service delivery.

           5. Procurement

           The department will continue to implement government policies on procurement for the fiscal year to
           maximise the current budget allocation. The procurement plan will be monitored throughout the financial
           year to ensure that procurement of Goods and Services is in line with planned activities.  The major

           procurement to  be undertaken continues to include LTSM  top-up  for  Section 20 and 21  schools  that
           opt  for central model,  School  Furniture,  Hostel Catering, Teacher Laptop Initiative, Learner Attainment
           Improvement Strategy (LAIS), and exam related  marking centre acqusition. The improvement of the SCM

           processes in respect of the MST grant and Learners with Profound Intellectual Disabilities grant will be
           monitored continuously in order to ensure that the grants are spent in line with the conditions of the Division

           of Revenue Act and Treasury Regulations.

           The department will continue to review supply chain processes, improve capacity of practitioners and
           strengthen internal controls with the aim of eliminating wastage. A procurement plan has been developed

           and will be monitored throughout the financial year to ensure that procurement of goods and services are
           in line with planned activities.

           The department will also strive to ensure that all contracts are subject to market-related price analysis,
           and the terms and conditions will be analysed to identify areas where the department can negotiate for

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