Page 51 - Provincial Treasury Estimates.pdf
P. 51

Estimates of Provincial Revenue and Expenditure (EPRE) -2023/24 Financial Year
           programme targets indigent households in the province by providing them with vegetable, poultry, or piggery
           production packs as per household needs. For  2023/24, 26 020 beneficiaries are expected  to  receive

           For grain production the support entails mechanization services and production inputs supplies. Targeted

           hectares under grain production for the 2023/24 financial year will be 27 774 ha of which 12 000 ha will be
           for commercial grain production by black emerging farmers.


           Despite initial delays the development of Cannabis industry in  the province is set  to be expedited, by
           receiving an amount of R32.8 mil for the 2023 MTEF period. The aim is to develop Cannabis value chain

           corridors in the province targeting medicinal, fibre, fuel and food use of this commodity. Activity plans and
           focus areas have been developed so as to be aligned to the National Cannabis Master Plan.  From the total
           medium-term allocation R10.5 million will be for 2023/24.

           Eastern Cape Agriculture Blended Finance Scheme

           An amount of R25 million has been set aside for the development of Agriculture Blended Finance Scheme.
           Upon successful piloting the scheme will be up-scaled over the medium-term and be incorporated into the

           provincial Economic Development Fund.  The scheme seeks  to leverage additional financial resources
           (public and private) so as to increase investment flows to agriculture that will unlock and enhance inclusive

           agri value chains in the province. This will be done through targeted financial and non-financial support to
           black farmers.   Targeted commodities will be export oriented to secure future growth, be employment
           intensive, have strong links to existing commodities supported by government, including grain, livestock,
           poultry, piggery, vegetables and nuts. The scheme will be a joint venture between DRDAR through ECRDA

           and ECDC. The role of DRDAR (ECRDA) will be to provide grant funding to farmers for capital expenditure,
           whilst ECDC will provide loans for production inputs. The matching amount from ECDC is budgeted at R25

           million for 2023/24, which will be a pilot year for the scheme.

           Aquaculture and Fisheries

           For 2023/24 an allocation of R6.2 million has been set aside for the development of aquaculture programme.

           The hatchery will provide freshwater aquaculture farms in the Province with Mozambique Tilapia, Common
           Carp and Mullet fingerlings

           Farmer skills development

           An amount of R20.5 million has been set aside for skills development for farmers, farm workers, as well as
           Extension Officers.

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