Page 40 - Provincial Treasury Estimates.pdf
P. 40

Overview of the Provincial Revenue and Expenditure (OPRE) Financial Year 2023/24

           The provincial health department has committed to rolling out a comprehensive health turnaround strategy
           towards achieving the goal of a long and healthy life for all, through a health system that is digitally enabled,
           data driven and offering quality health services. The critical elements of the strategy include a sustained
           focus on financial sustainability, integrated medico-legal strategy, service delivery platform realignment,

           digitalisation & e-health to building healthier communities.

           The implementation of the turnaround has already yielded positive results, which include:
               x  Curtailment of the hemorrhaging of  funds  from the health budget by limiting upfront, lump sum
                  medico-legal settlements. Two legal defense strategies have been critical in this regard - the Stay of

                  Writs and public health defense medico-legal strategies. The Noyila public health defense judgment
                  has found in favour of the ECDOH, where the department  has to provide the beneficiary with medical

                  services and supplies at a reasonable standard which the  beneficiary requires.
               x  Provincial Health has managed to reduce by 96% in-year irregular expenditure to under R3.4 million
                  in 2022/23 from R104million in 2021/22, through improvements in SCM systems and controls.

               x  The provincial health department has re-prioritized its budget and made available R544 million over
                  the MTEF towards maintenance and acquisitions of much needed health machinery and equipment.

               x  The Health department is currently progressing well with its digitalization program and has rolled out
                  HMS2 to 19 hospitals, registered over 5 million patients; admitted more than 300,000 patient to
                  wards and processed over 600,000 out-patients. The system also includes the e-Liability and e-PAIA

                  systems so that facilities have live data pertaining to the medico-legal risk.
               x  Of the 2941 mostly health professional posts in the Health department’s annual recruitment plan

                  (ARP), 1 938 appointments have been made.

           To further assist with  the rollout of  the strategy and for  Health to  recover operations of key health

           programmes  that were  partially delayed by Covid 19  lockdowns (e.g.  HIV TB  treatment)  the following
           allocations have been made.

           An amount of R42 million has also been allocated in 2023/24 to insulate some identified Health facilities
           during the current sustained load shedding period. An additional R967.768 million in 2023/24 financial year

           and R3.031 billion over  the 2023/24  MTEF to support  the Provincial Department of Health  for  the
           compensation of employees, service backlogs including antiretroviral therapy  and TB  medicine and other

           health goods and services.

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