Page 35 - Provincial Treasury Estimates.pdf
P. 35

Estimates of Provincial Revenue and Expenditure (EPRE) -2023/24 Financial Year
                  o  Significant improvements in learner attainment in the annual National Senior Certificate;
                  o  School nutrition programme rollout which currently benefits more than 1.6 million learners in the
                      province. The NSNP has also been beneficial in supporting 1 400 SMMEs and 12 704 food

                      handlers across the province;
                  o  Rollout of Presidential  Youth Employment Scheme in Education benefiting the Youth

                  o  Health turn around in terms of reductions in the number of medico-legal claims and legal defence
                      to limit upfront payments; and
                  o  Reduction of new cases of irregular expenditure through improvement in SCM practices.

           Service delivery gaps that will require immediate government responses have also been acknowledged,

               x  Insufficient responses to challenges of high unemployment (particularly among the youth) ;
               x  Limited coordination and impact of youth directed programmes and initiatives;
               x  Lack of capacity to plan and advocate for additional funding resources for the rollout of economic

                  infrastructure at local and provincial government level. Urgent  focusing should to be on energy,
                  water, and transport (roads and logistics) infrastructure;

               x  High levels of Crime and GBV;
               x  Food security and social welfare  programmes,

               x  Inefficiencies in provincial scholar transport; and
               x  Governance and implementation capacity challenges in:

                      o  Delivering social infrastructure (especially in Education, Health and Human Settlements);
                      o Disaster Management; and
                      o  Provincial support to municipalities.

           For 2023/24, significant provincial government resources will therefore be directed towards addressing the
           aforementioned priorities guided by the broader policy framework that  emphasis social transformation,

           economic investment, reconstruction, recovery and a capable, ethical and developmental state.

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