Page 331 - Provincial Treasury Estimates.pdf
P. 331
Estimates of the Provincial Revenue and Expenditure (EPRE) – 2023/24 Financial Year
7.5. Infrastructure payments
7.5.1 Departmental infrastructure payments
Table 7: Summary of departmental payments and estimates on infrastructure
Main Adjusted
Outcome Revised estimate Medium-term estimates % change from
appropriation appropriation
R thousand 2019/20 2020/21 2021/22 2022/23 2023/24 2024/25 2025/26 2022/23
Existing infrastructure assets 1 217 752 453 475 789 307 1 500 467 1 655 256 1 812 112 1 486 903 1 465 506 1 634 540 (17.9)
Maintenance and repairs 69 038 28 404 59 872 348 457 545 484 379 367 388 039 108 692 377 681 2.3
Upgrades and additions 990 175 383 523 667 820 1 053 725 980 388 1 266 510 973 354 1 210 093 1 154 610 (23.1)
Refurbishment and rehabilitation 158 539 41 548 61 615 98 285 129 384 166 235 125 510 146 721 102 249 (24.5)
New infrastructure assets 212 687 167 579 112 008 58 359 27 069 48 011 44 241 103 766 61 817 (7.9)
Infrastructure transfers 14 157 113 175 – – -6 – – – (100.0)
Current 14 358 175 – – -6 – – – (100.0)
Capital – 156 755 – – – – – – –
Infrastructure payments for
financial assets – – – – – – – – –
Infrastructure leases – – – – – – – – –
Non infrastructure 160 818 447 146 320 084 196 099 385 992 208 200 314 230 220 496 173 361 50.9
Total department infrastructure 1 591 271 1 225 313 1 221 574 1 754 925 2 068 317 2 068 317 1 845 374 1 789 768 1 869 718 (10.8)
1. Total provincial infrastructure is the sum of "Capital" plus "Recurrent maintenance". This includes non infrastructure items.
Table 7 above shows the summary of payments and estimates on infrastructure per category. Expenditure
on infrastructure increased from R1. 591 billion in 2019/20 to a revised estimate of R2.068 billion in
2022/23. The 2023/24 budget allocation decreases by 10.8 per cent. The increase is attributable to higher
revised estimated in 2022/23 caused by slow implementation of infrastructure projects.
Expenditure on existing infrastructure increased from R1.217 billion in 2019/20 to a revised estimate of
R1.812 million in 2022/23. The budget decreases by of 17.9 per cent in 2023/24 financial year. The primary
investment area remains maintenance and repairs to existing school infrastructure, and a further increase
of 2.3 per cent in refurbishment and rehabilitation, with a slight decline of 0.6 per cent in upgrades and
additions. The majority of the projects in design and procurement stage are expected to begin construction
in the second quarter of 2023/24
Expenditure on new infrastructure assets decreased from R212.687 million in 2019/20 to a revised
estimate of R48.011 million in 2022/23. The budget allocation further decreases by 7.9 percent in 2023/24
as the focus is largely planned on improving existing infrastructure.
Expenditure on non-infrastructure increased from R160. 818 million to a revised estimate of R208.2 million
in 2022/23. The budget allocation increases by 50.9 per cent in 2023/24 due to provisions made for
planning escalation costs.
7.6. Departmental Public-Private Partnership (PPP) projects
7.7. Transfers
7.8. Transfers to public entities
7.9. Transfers to other entities