Page 336 - Provincial Treasury Estimates.pdf
P. 336

Department: Education

           8.2.1 Service delivery measures

           Table 15: Selected service delivery measures for the programme: P2- Public Ordinary Schools Education
                                                                          performance        Medium-term estimates
            Programme performance measures                                 2022/23    2023/24   2024/25    2025/26
            SOI. 201: Number of schools provided with multi-media resources.   4 000      4 200      4 200       4 200

            SOI. 202: Number of learners in no fee public ordinary schools in line with the National Norms and Standards for School Funding  1 531 456  1 519 636    1 509 636  1 506 636
            SOI. 203: Number of Funza Lushaka bursary holders placed in schools within six months upon completion of studies or upon confirmation   70%  30%  25%  25%
            SOI. 204: Percentage of learners in schools that are funded at a minimum level.  100%  0%  100%     100%
            SOI. 205: Number of foundation phase teachers trained in reading methodology  New  600   600          600
            SOI. 206: Number of foundation phase teachers trained in numeracy content and methodology  New  600  600    600

            SOI. 207: Number of teachers trained in mathematics content and methodology  5 200  5 950  6 700   7 450
            SOI. 208: Number of educators trained in Literacy/Language content and methodology.  5200  5 950  6 700    7 450
            SOI. 209: Number of educators with training on inclusion.           1500       500        500        500
            NSOI. 210: Percentage of schools where allocated teaching posts are all filled.  80%  80%  80%      80%
            NSOI. 211: Percentage of learners with English First Additional Language (EFAL) and Mathematics textbooks in Grades 3, 6, 9 and 12.  70%  80%  80%  80%
            NSOI. 212: Percentage of schools producing a minimum set of management documents at a required standard.  60%  62%  65%  65%
           Table 15 above illustrates the main service delivery measures for Public Ordinary Schools, which are in
           compliance with the sector customised indicators for the sector. The department is currently engaged in
           the final review of its outputs and these will be reflected in the final Annual Performance Plan.

           The targets set for most performance indicators under the Public Ordinary School Education programme
           are expected to remain constant over the 2023 MTEF due to financial constraints.

           8.3 Programme 3: Independent School Education

           Objectives: To support independent schools in accordance with the South African Schools Act, 1996

               •  Primary Level:  To support independent schools in Grade 1 to 7 level;
               •  Secondary Level: To support independent schools in Grade 8 to 12 level.

           Table 16: Summary of departmental payments and estimates by programme: P3- Independent  School
                                                        Main   Adjusted
                                        Outcome                       Revised estimate  Medium-term estimates  % change from
                                                      appropriation  appropriation
            R thousand           2019/20  2020/21  2021/22      2022/23        2023/24  2024/25  2025/26  2022/23
            1. Primary Level                 78 626               79 804               57 592                    96 922                    96 922                    96 922         64 284         67 170         70 179  (33.7)
            2. Secondary Level                56 536               58 914               41 634                    60 975                    60 975                    60 975         46 061         48 129         50 285  (24.5)
            Total payments and estimates              135 162             138 718               99 226                  157 897                  157 897                  157 897       110 345       115 299       120 464  (30.1)

   331   332   333   334   335   336   337   338   339   340   341