Page 343 - Provincial Treasury Estimates.pdf
P. 343
Estimates of the Provincial Revenue and Expenditure (EPRE) – 2023/24 Financial Year
estimate of R2.054 billion in 2022/23. The 2023/24 budget allocation decreases by 11 per cent due to the
effect of higher revised baseline.
Expenditure on Compensation of Employees increased from R12.439 million in 2019/20 to a revised
estimate of R31.929 million in 2022/23. However, provision for 2023/24 decline sligtly whilst remained
constant in the outer years. The decline is caused by decline in infrastructure grant allocation. In spite, the
department has, however, catered critical posts for human resource capacitation.
Expenditure on Goods and Services increased substantially from R204.052 million in 2019/20 to a revised
estimate of R847.880 million in 2022/23. Contrary, allocation for 2023/24declined drastically 73.5 per cent
and continues to show a declining trend over the outer year, largely due to decreased grant allocation.
Further impacting the decline is a significant amount of roll over received during the current year’s
adjustment period, which ultimately gave rise to a revised estimate figure, from which budgeting and
planning for next fiscal year is based.
Capital expenditure decreased from R1.362 billion in 2019/20 to a revised estimate of R1.175 billion in
2022/23, and continue to decline further to R1.143 billion in 2023/24 mainly due to decrease Education
Infrastructure Grant allocated to the province.
8.6.1 Service delivery measures
Table 27: Selected service delivery measures for the programme: P6- Infrastructure Development
Estimated Medium-term estimates
Programme performance measures 2022/23 2023/24 2024/25 2025/26
SOI. 601: Number of public schools provided with water infrastructure. 32 50 87 40
SOI. 602: Number of public schools provided with electricity infrastructure. 32 9 13 18
SOI. 603: Number of public schools supplied with sanitation facilities. 31 26 25 26
SOI. 604: Number of schools provided with new or additional boarding facilities. 1 1 2 3
SOI. 605: Number of schools where scheduled maintenance projects were completed. 34 70 82 87
NSOI. 606: Number of new schools that have reached completion (includes replacement schools). 10 9 13 18
NSOI. 607: Number of new schools under construction (includes replacement schools). 35 23 17 12
NSOI. 608: Number of new Grade R classrooms built or provided (includes those in new, existing and replacement schools). 41 43 45 46
NSOI. 609: Number of additional classrooms built in, or provided for, existing public schools (includes new and replacement schools). 233 314 260 271
NSOI. 610: Number of additional specialist rooms built in public schools (includes specialist rooms built in new and replacement schools). 50 43 23 30
The targets for the majority of planned targets are showing a positive growth over the medium-term period,
from 2022/23 revised estimate.
8.7 Programme 7: Examinations and Education Related Services
Objectives: To provide education institutions as a whole with support.
The programme has 5 sub-programmes: