Page 346 - Provincial Treasury Estimates.pdf
P. 346

Department: Education

           Tables 31 above depicts departmental personnel numbers which are primarily made up of the posts
           declared in the Post Provisioning Norm for schools under Public Ordinary Schools and Special Schools

           and the approved Organogram  for  Office based support staff under Administration.  Early Childhood
           Development provides for the employment of  Grade R Practitioners in ECDs, whilst Infrastructure
           Development personnel numbers represent the support staff in terms of the Human Resource Capacitation

           project within the Education Infrastructure Grant. Programme 7 consists of the number of exam assistants
           who support the year-end and supplementary examination processes.

           9.2 Information on training

           Table 32: Information on training

                                                            Main   Adjusted
                                          Outcome                         Revised estimate  Medium-term estimates  % change from
                                                          appropriation  appropriation
            R thousand            2019/20  2020/21  2021/22         2022/23         2023/24  2024/25  2025/26  2022/23

            Number of staff          70 232  66 382  64 950   65 482  65 482  65 482   65 242  65 245   65 247  (0.4)
             Number of personnel trained  16 577  8 351  10 880  22 880  22 880  22 880  22 880  22 880  22 880  0.0

               of which

                Male                 7 665   1 552    4 152   9 152    9 152   9 152   9 152    9 152   9 152   0.0
                Female               8 912   6 799    6 728   13 728  13 728  13 728   13 728  13 728   13 728  0.0

             Number of training opportunities  48  23  29      50       50      50       50      50        50   0.0
               of which
                Tertiary              15       7        9      16       16      16       16      16        16   0.0
                Workshops             25       13      15       26      26      26       26      26        26   0.0
                Seminars               –       –        –       –       –        –       –        –         –
                Other                  8       3        5       8       8        8       8        8         8   0.0
             Number of bursaries offered  3 337  1 322  2 971  3 521   3 521   3 521   3 521    3 521     3 521  0.0

             Number of interns appointed  501  595     700     700     700      700     700      700     700    0.0

             Number of learnerships appointed  100  68  85     100     100      100     100      100     100    0.0
             Number of days spent on training  5  3     5       5       5        5       5        5         5   0.0
            Payments on training by programme
            1. Administration        7 038   3 488   10 168   10 900  10 900  10 900   1 380    1 442   1 507  (87.3)
            2. Public Ordinary School Education  90 835  36 291  50 565                   100 649                   100 649                   100 649                   103 313                   107 952                   112 788  2.6
            3. Independent School Subsidies  –  –       –       –       –        –       –        –         –
            4. Public Special School Education  1 663  3 365  352  7 393  7 393  7 393  6 614   6 911   7 221  (10.5)
            5. Early Childhood Development  12 189  2 266  102  27 079  27 079  27 079  26 395  27 580  28 816  (2.5)
            6. Infrastructure Development  –   –        –       –       –        –       –        –         –
            7. Examination And Education Related Services  2 997  21 219  32 200  72 201  72 201  72 201  73 261  4 006  4 185  1.5
            Total payments on training                   114 722  66 629  93 387                   218 222                   218 222                   218 222                   210 963                   147 891                   154 517  (3.3)
           Table 32 above reflect information on training per programme and components. Training expenditure over
           years, from R114.722 million in 2019/20 to a revised estimate of R218.222 million in 2022/23. However,
           the provision made in 2023/24 decreases by 3.3 per cent and further reflects decline in the outer due to
           contrained fiscus.

           9.3 Structural Changes


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